Creating hyperlocal P3’s


Horizon Education Alliance
Education, Issue Orgs

Because local control is vital in quality education.

Horizon educational alliance came to us with a simple challenge: reposition the organization from a local to national scale.  In northern Indiana, HEA had done the impossible: they had brought together leaders in education, government, and business to tackle the education gaps in a community. Their success in doing so mint attention at the state and national level, so it was time to position them for larger action.

The brilliant minds, and HEA had worked with some of the most influential community and systems behavior analysts in the world. Their model for change is unparalleled, but complex and nuanced. Bringing it to a larger audience, meant boiling it down, simplifying it, and finding the story that weaves it all together.

What is HEA's secret?

The Horizon Education Alliance has done so much with the simplest of ideas: bring together the stakeholders in education and solve problems together. Heck, Brian, the visionary behind HEA even had a custom 3-sided table built to accommodate this novel dialogue between schools, businesses, and government. The results have been staggering.

To bring the idea to scale, we just took a peek behind the sausage-making and into the results. We drew from touching stories of families affected by HEA’s collaborative work and developed 3 families that served as exemplars for what HEA can do to any system. Because, at the end of the day, the human outcomes of a policy are the real story.