Research + Assessment

Developing smart strategy is all about data and process. Our research background ensures the work we do for our clients is at scientific journal quality. Our research process is beautiful in its simplicity: build research questions, develop a research plan, and execute.

A firm foundation in real science is the key to any great analysis or strategy. We begin every project with a deep dive into research.

Landscape Analysis

Doing high quality research is one thing, but knowing what to do with what you learn is something entirely different. Our years of expertise in developing needs assessments, foundational research documents, business analyses, and comparative case studies allows us to get a full view of your organization or community within the landscape.

With research in our hands, we analyze, compare, and understand our clients in the broader landscapes to which they belong.

Strategic Planning

The ultimate use of our research and analysis is in building a strategy that will drive forward your community or organization for years to come. Those plans cannot be high-level fluff; they can't be unobtainable idealism; and they cannot be disparate ideas compiled together. They must be a singular story arc that everyone understands, internalizes, and owns.

With a firm foothold in research, we build strategic plans alongside our clients that actively engage the stakeholders in building the future.

Marketing + Consultation

We believe that your project doesn't conclude when our report or presentation is done. We won't leave your side until what we learn or plan together becomes a reality. Our ongoing consultation work brings us onboard as a central part of your organization or community, constantly offering feedback, doing further research, and proactively coming to you with new ideas.

Unlike many firms, we hold our clients' hands throughout the implementation of a project or strategic plan.